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What Is Sustainability/LEED?
Incorporating Sustainable Products
Roberts' Approach to Sustainability
Benefits of Remanufactured Options
What is Sustainability/LEED?
As a pioneer in remanufacturing since 1990, Roberts Office Furniture Concepts is
one of only two certified
furniture remanufacturers in the U.S. registered with the National Center for Remanufacturing & Resource Recovery (NC3R). NC3R is an internationally known center that provides applied research and assistance to manufacturers in an ongoing effort to develop effective and innovative ways to create their products without depleting the environment. The practices of reusing, remanufacturing, recycling and incorporating reusable resources are key to achieving sustainability.
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability is choosing, recycling and reusing materials to protect the environment and reduce the consumption of valuable resources such as energy, forests and water. Recycling, manufacturing fuel efficient engines, applying building practices that reduce energy waste, and producing remanufactured products are ways to meet our present needs without compromising resources for future generations.
What is LEED?
eadership in
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esign (LEED) is an internationally recognized, green building certification program designed to reduce our carbon footprint on the environment by reducing CO2 emissions, saving water and energy, and improving indoor environmental quality. Verified by an independent third party, LEED certification assures consumers that the company or manufacturer they have chosen will incorporate environmentally sound strategies by choosing and reusing resources to reduce our impact on the environment. LEED provides a comprehensive framework for designing, constructing and manufacturing economical, safe and environmentally friendly products.
Designing and manufacturing commercial office space provides a valuable opportunity to incorporate remanufactured products from Roberts Office Furniture Concepts and LEED practices. There are five areas of management under LEED’s Commercial Interiors criteria. Office furniture contributes to two – Materials and Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality.
Meant to provide a comfortable, productive and healthy work environment, Indoor Environmental Quality standards focus on increasing indoor air quality by using low-emitting materials. Composite wood, Agrifiber products, coatings, paints, sealants and adhesives fall under this category, as well as seating and systems furniture.
Standards for the Materials and Resources category concern recycling and reusing materials, furniture and furnishings to utilize already existing resources more efficiently and reduce the consumption of new resources.
There are many reasons to choose green designs and manufacturing practices. LEED applications are economical and safe, but just as importantly, they conserve resources to safeguard our environment.
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The remanufacture of office furniture can happen numerous times per module, due to the inherent materials durability (steel). By remanufacturing the components numerous times and closing the material use loops, natural resources and energy can be saved, while the emissions associated with producing new components are not emitted.
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